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Unveiling the Kotak League Platinum Credit Card Review 2023-2024 on Sankyya

kotak league platinum credit card review 2023-2024 In this article we will discuss what are the features and benefits of kotak league platinum credit card.

1) Eligibility Criteria

You must be an Indian resident. You must be 2165 years old. Add on card holder must be 18 years of age. Income criteria, annual income should be more than Rs.5 lakh. This card can avail only selected locations customers Ahmedabad, Bangalore, chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai Navi Mumbai and pune.

2) joining and renewal fee

Joining fee is Rs.499 plus taxes. Renewal fee also Rs.499 plus taxes, on paying joining fee you can earn welcome benefits. In book my show movie voucher form you can redeem worth Rs.500, movie vouchers, movie tickets purchases. Welcome benefits recover the joining fee.

You get this card without joining fee but you don’t get any welcome benefits. Next year renewal fee is charged on the same joining fee card of the same Rs.499 plus taxes. The renewal fee on this card is waive of Rs.50,000 if spends

3) Benefits

kotak league platinum credit card review 2022-2023 Apart from spend base benefits, you get milestone benefits, you get railway surcharge benefits, you get fuel surcharge waiver benefits. This benefit is available on most of the cards. There is no lounge benefit on this card.

4) Milestone benefits

every 6 months if you RS. When you achieve 1,25,000 spent, you get four free PVR movie tickets or 10000 reward points. In this free movie ticket case you can get maximum 8 PVR free movie tickets in one year. And these movie tickets have to be claimed within 3 months before the end of the program period.

If the price of a movie ticket is above Rs.400, then you have to pay the difference amount. In case of reward point, reward point will be credited in next billing cycle. This point should be redeemed within 3 months of the end of the program period.

You get air tickets to these points, You can redeem movie tickets, mobile recharge and branded merchandise. In railway surcharge waiver you get surcharge waiver up to Rs.500 per year. On transactions made on www.irctc.co.in or Indian railways booking counter.

In Fuel surcharge waiver you get surcharge waiver up to Rs.3,500 per year for fuel transaction between Rs.500 to Rs.3000. Another feature of the card is league priority attendance in which you get oncall solutions. The bank calls you automatically. You get commentary check pick up facility of your monthly dues.

5) Spend base benefits

In this you get 8 Rewards Points on special categories that is travel and tour operators, Package tour operators, Airlines and Air carries, Electric sales, Durable goods, Departmental stores up to Rs.2 lakh spends every Rs.150 spends. 4 reward points for remaining category.

Special categories above RS.2 lakh spends and 8 reward points on remaining categories. You do not get any Rewards points on Fuel transaction.

6) Redemption Points

You can use a lot of categories across the kotak reward website. Such as mobile recharge, book my show movie voucher, products, travel, etc. You can pay at merchant outlets with these points. One reward point average value is 25 paisa.

7) Return rate:

In this we assume that one person Spends Rs.5 lakhs in a year using this card and Rs.40,000 in a month. Which means around Rs.2 lakhs spends in five months. Let us calculate these calculations in three parts. Let’s calculate the return of 4 months in the first part.

That is spends less than Rs.2 lakh. In the second part we will calculate Fifth months returns. That is Rs.2 lakh annual spends cross. This includes Spends less than Rs.2 lakhs annual spends will be considered return and returns more than RS.2 will be considered. Let us calculate the remaining months returns in the third part which is more than RS.2 lakhs annual spends.

1) In the first part

Suppose on RS.42,000 per month spends they spend on Rs.30,000 special categories. From this they will get 1600 reward points. If they spend Rs.12000 remaining categories, they will get 320 reward points. So in one month you will get total 1920 reward points and in four months you will get 7680 rewards points.

2) Second part

Suppose RS.30,000 special categories spends Rs.42000 per month in spends. From this they will get 1600 reward points. If he spends Rs.2000 on remaining categories, he will get 53 reward points. When the remaining RS.10000 spends this month on both the special and remaining category, he will earn 533 reward points. This month will get a total of 2186 reward points.
3) Third part
remaining return in it Let’s calculate. On RS.42000 per month spends you will get 2240 reward points per month. You will get a total of 15,688 reward points in 7 months. Achieve miles tone benefits twice a year. So they will get a total of 20,000 reward points as a milestone benefit.
So they will get 45,546 total reward points. One reward point value is 25 paisa. So they will get a total of Rs.11,386 benefits. Its return rate is 2.2%.

8) Conclusion:

kotak league platinum credit card review 2023-2024 2.2% maximum return is not so good on this card. Less than Rs.5 lakhs spends on this card spends around Rs. Above 23 lakhs you will get around 1% return rate. Spends above RS.5 lakhs will result in a return rate of less than 2.2%. The returns of this card are very bad.
If you compare this card with Simply click card, you can easily get 3% returns on 23 lakh online spends on click card. Which is far better than kotak league platinm credit card. If you compare this card with Axis access card then you get at least 2% benefit on Axis access card on every spends. This benefit is very good in comparison of kotak league platinum credit card.
There are other great entry level cards that you can use to get great benefits. So we suggest you can search entry level cards. You don’t even get lounge benefits on kotak league platinum credit card. If lounge benefits were available then this card at list would have been a little better. On top of all this, you don’t get any special benefits on this card and also returns.
If you are not getting any other entry level card and you are getting this card, you should spend at least Rs.5 lakhs in a year on this card to get maximum benefit. If you can’t spend that much, you can ignore this card.

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